
Critical Race Theory – Beyond Myths: What the Debate Misses

What Is Critical Race Theory? “Critical Race Theory” (CRT), which is defined by Kimberlé Crenshaw’s intersectionality, is — at its most basic explication — a lens, a perspective, through which folks, traditionally legal and sociological scholars, examine race matters and power dynamics. Related Concepts Audience Awareness; Interpretation, Interpretative Frameworks; Literacy; Perspective; Research; Rhetorical Analysis; Rhetorical ...

pic of scientists in a lab

What is RAD? – Replicable, Aggregable, Data-Supported Scholarship?

What is RAD? RAD (Replicable, Aggregable, Data Supported) refers to the attributes of a particular kind of evidence, discourse and research methodology ways writers, speakers, knowledge workers . . . engage in data collection and analysis. RAD research may be quantitative or qualitative. RAD research is ReplicableSufficient details about methods, subjects, and other contextual factors ...

Problem Space, Solution Space

Problem SpaceThe Problem Space is the problem and everything associated with the problem, including such things as the history of the problem; the stakeholders (those who benefit from the problem, those who contribute to the problem, and those who feel the problem most deeply, as pain). Solution SpaceThe Solution Space, in contrast, constitutes the world ...

Problem Scenarios

Problem Scenarios are real, imagined, and hypothesized problems and needs that particular people experience or are hypothesized to experience in a problem space a unit of analysis in customer discovery, an empirical research method. Key Concepts: Customer Discovery Interviews; Design; Design Thinking; Lean Product Development; Mixed Research Methods; Problem Definition; Problem Scenarios; Rhetoric; Usability; Venture ...

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a human-centered, empirical research method that employs user-centric methods (e.g., customer discovery interviews, focus groups, usability studies) to solve problems and develop products and applications that people want. People (e.g., founders, product managers, developers, engineers) engage in design thinking when they set aside their egos and endeavor to listen to consumers and ...

Venture Design

Venture Design may refer to Key Terms: customer discovery; design thinking; human-centric design; informal research method Alexander Cowan visualizes Venture Design as a rhetorical, recursive process that consists of six major activities: Resources

Customer Discovery

Customer Discovery is Key Concepts: Design; Design Thinking; Lean Product Development; Mixed Research Methods; Problem Definition; Problem Scenarios; Rhetoric; Venture Design Why Does Customer Discovery Matter? Customer Discovery is wildly popular in the startup community. This methodology traces its roots to Investigators (e.g, founders/developers/marketing consultants/business consultants) engage in customer discovery in order to understand a ...

Post-Colonial Criticism

Post-Colonial Criticism is a research method, a type of textual research, that literary critics use to interpret texts a genre of discourse employed by literary critics used to share the results of their interpretive efforts. Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin, authors of The Empire Writes Back (1989), are three key figures who significantly ...

Structuralist Criticism

Structuralist Criticism is Key Terms: Dialectic; Hermeneutics; Semiotics; Text & Intertextuality; Tone Key Terms Definitions Sign the basic unit of Saussurean linguistics, a physical entity consisting of a signifier (an acoustic image) and a signified (a concept); a sign is said to be arbitrary because a logical relationship between the signifier and signified does not ...